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Artist in Residence 2019

Through out the year a range of talented artists are in residence at Burton Agnes Hall and visitors are invited to view their artwork in the Summer House and in the Hall.

The Hall and gardens offer a beautiful and serene setting for artists to gain inspiration and focus for their work and it provides the perfect opportunity to exhibit work to visitors.

Artists are invited to either stay in residence at the hall, in accommodation above the historic courtyard, or are invited to travel in daily and exhibit their artwork in the beautiful surroundings of the hall and gardens.

 Date  Travelling  In residence artist 
2nd May- 15th May  Jan Taylor Kat Wood 
16th May- 29th May  Jane Higgins   Shirley Ann Doyle 
30th May- 12th June  Sue Spivey   Diane Rotherforth 
13th June - 26th June 
 Janet Basten   
27th June - 10th July 
Katy West
11th July - 24th July 
Terry & Lynda Melin 
  25th July - 7th August  Adele Doxey  Susan Todd
 8th August - 21st August   Joan Hudson   Selina Thorpe 
 22nd August - 4th September   AVAILABLE   Sue Kershaw
 5th September - 18th September   Dawn Bache   Christopher Heald 
 19th September - 2nd October  Sharon Winter AVAILABLE  

If you are interested in applying to be an Artist in Residence at Burton Agnes Hall for 2020, please contact the Estate Office on 01262 490324 or send a letter with some samples of your work to:

Artist in Residence,
The Estate Office,
Burton Agnes Hall,
Burton Agnes,
East Yorkshire,
YO25 4NB

Applications must be in by 31st September 2019

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